Picture Day Information

Diane J Holchhalter Studio will be our Photographer this year. 

If you wish to check her out her website is https://www.dianehochhalter.com/


Picture Day Procedures

  • Participation in the picture day is not mandatory.  

  • Arrival Time - Please arrive no later then 15 minutes before the picture time.  Remember to have dancers dressed and ready for their pictures. If help is needed please talk to the teacher before picture day and arrive earlier then scheduled time.  

  • Student line up - Teachers will line the dancers up and they will get their group shot taken first. They will then do an individual photo.



What does my child wear for picture day? 

  • Dancers will wear their costumes, tights, hair, and light make-up for picture day.  In the picture album below are directions for what each class is wearing on picture day.  Any further questions feel free to ask the office or the dancers teacher.  


Does my child need make-up?

  • Light make-up is always best for Picture day. We recommend dancers wear make up because the flash of the camera can make their faces look pale or even ghostly. However, make up is not required.


Where do I purchase recital tights for my dancer?

  • Recital tights can be purchased at the studio in the office.  We have ordered all tights needed for the dancers in their style and color.  

M 22 Look book

Includes color tights needed, make-up info, hair style, and what shoes each class needs for picture day, dress rehearsal and recital day.

Picture Day Schedule

**Bring all costumes  

Monday 21st  

Tappy Toes    5:00-5:40 

Feel the Beat    5:30-6:20 

Tuesday 22nd 

All TCD Level 1/3 students    3:45-5:00 

All TCD Level 2 students    5:00-6:00 

The Beat Box    6:00-6:40 


Wednesday 23rd  

TCD Level 6/Competition Members   3:50-5:30  

Feel the Beat   5:30-6:20 

Adult Tap   5:40 


Thursday 24th  

Twinkle Toes   3:15