Dare to Create Foundation for the Arts
“If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be”
Dare to Create Foundations for the Arts Mission:
We foster a safe environment that promotes collaboration, cultivates growth, and teaches technique without fear of judgment. We believe artistry encourages all individuals to be empowered with acceptance, confidence, courage, kindness, self-discipline, and an appreciation for creative expression for life.
The Art of Wellness Scholarships
“ The Art of Wellness Program” is a scholarship program for individuals who need finical assistance to pay tuition to take Dance and/or Fitness classes at our facility. Through The Sheyenne Valley Community Foundation Micaiah’s Studio of Ballet & LivFit Fitness LLC is pleased to be able to provide an opportunity for low income individuals to participate in Dance and Fitness classes at a reduced cost. This program is funded by generous corporate and private donors. Funds are granted to the extent of resources available, prices and availability are subject to change.