Ages 2nd-4th Grade Summer Master Camp 5:00-6:00
Tuesday: Flash Mob Instructors: Micaiah & Lexa
Wednesday: Ballet & Improve Instructors: Jennifer & Alexa
Thursday: Hip Hop Instructors: Jennifer & Micaiah
Please wear: tennis shoes, light-colored athletic clothing, sunscreen
Please Bring: water, snacks, yoga mat, hand sanitizer Students will be given a Dance Goodie Bag. Please have them bring this each day to class and it is theirs to keep at the end of the program.
Social distancing requires that we are spaced at least 6 feet apart in all directions, we will have markers out for your spot. We are only allowing 8 students per class with Two instructors on-site per class. Although masks are not required, they are recommended or at least to have on hand. We, Will, do our best to practice social distancing.
sign up for both weeks and receive $10 to go towards your fall tuition